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the uedin

Resource Unit Plan

Using Sci-Fi Novel BARREN: TAKING OF NAME to Examine Gender Roles through Science Fiction This interdisciplinary resource unit plan is designed for exploration and analysis of traditional and evolving gender norms through the science fiction genre.  It focuses on the novel Barren: Taking of Name to provide a springboard into conversations about gender while simultaneously…

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Short Stories Published in Science Fiction Novelists 2021 SciFi Anthology

I am glad to announce that two of my short stories have been included in the newly published Science Fiction Novelists 2021 SciFi Anthology, edited by EJ Runyon and Katherine Kirk.  The stories are How the Forest-watchers Undertook to Devise a Game, and Tumet’s Trap.  Both stories are set in the uedin world.  Officially released…

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Hello from Jon

Thanks for checking out my website. You wouldn’t know if you were going to like the work of a musician or painter by reading their self-introduction.  You would have to hear the music or see the artwork.  Then, if you happen to like the work, you might want to know about the person who created…

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