The BARREN TRILOGY is a science fiction series set in a genderless world. It follows the story of Elenn, a uedin afflicted with barren syndrome, who must come to personal terms with the challenges of having the condition, wrestle with the complexities of relating to other uedin in the capital, and ultimately contend with a disastrous chain of events as the syndrome wreaks havoc and threatens the survival of the race. The uedin race is androgynous, and the characters in the story are neither male nor female (much in the tradition of Ursula Leguin’s Left Hand of Darkness). The series is published in two versions, one employing feminine pronouns while the other employs masculine pronouns. With its unique gender-associated versions and exploration of sexual minority psychology, the BARREN TRILOGY will be of particular interest to readers interested in gender studies and LGBTQ issues, but also will appeal to readers of the alternate world sci fi genre in general.


Childhood is over, and she has received a name: Elenn. But with the new name comes a new awareness of self, and for her it is deeply troubling. As other uedin youths face their futures with hope and excitement, Elenn must try to understand what it means that she is barren. It is a syndrome that not only deprives a uedin of her passing-of-life; it means that she is destined to deteriorate into depravity and die in misery. This knowledge poisons every aspect of life for Elenn, but can she find a way to cope, to bide her time, perhaps even to summon the strength to bear her burden with uedin dignity?


Childhood is over, and she has received a name: Elenn. But with the new name comes a new awareness of self, and for her it is deeply troubling. As other uedin youths face their futures with hope and excitement, Elenn must try to understand what it means that she is barren. It is a syndrome that not only deprives a uedin of her passing-of-life; it means that she is destined to deteriorate into depravity and die in misery. This knowledge poisons every aspect of life for Elenn, but can she find a way to cope, to bide her time, perhaps even to summon the strength to bear her burden with uedin dignity?


Book 2 of the Barren Trilogy follows the continuing fantasy drama of Elenn, a barren uedin, who strives to meet the challenges and dangers that come to him and other barren as the syndrome epidemic rises in the threatened capital. The medical intervention devised to negate the symptoms of barren syndrome has had an unanticipated consequence, and syndrome-afflicted uedin must fight to avoid the descent into derangement.


Book 2 of the Barren Trilogy follows the continuing fantasy drama of Elenn, a barren uedin, who strives to meet the challenges and dangers that come to him and other barren as the syndrome epidemic rises in the threatened capital. The medical intervention devised to negate the symptoms of barren syndrome has had an unanticipated consequence, and syndrome-afflicted uedin must fight to avoid the descent into derangement.


The uedin of the capital face the possibility of extinction in this third and final book of the Barren trilogy. Guard Master Elenn is lost in derangement and unable to serve the squadron. High Server Tilke wastes away in a coma, possessed by the Lern Beyana. How will the lives of these two defeated uedin be reconnected in a way that opens a pathway of survival for the uedin race?


The uedin of the capital face the possibility of extinction in this third and final book of the Barren trilogy. Guard Master Elenn is lost in derangement and unable to serve the squadron. High Server Tilke wastes away in a coma, possessed by the Lern Beyana. How will the lives of these two defeated uedin be reconnected in a way that opens a pathway of survival for the uedin race?

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